We’re back

It’s been going on two years since our last post. Surprisingly it looks like all that time, people have been viewing the blog and reading stuff on it, which is pretty cool, and thank you all.

The reason for the long absence is simple. Repeated hospital visits and tests. The kind of discussions with the consultant where you’re advised to put your affairs in order. We went through a long period where blogging wasn’t a priority given what  else was going on in our lives.

What else has happened? Sweetmeats Press published Wanderlust: Five Erotic Tales of Women on the Move. The link is to Amazon UK but it’s on Amazon.com too. It contains a steampunk-influenced story by Fulani. The story is also available individually: Love Gun. Ditto with Amazon.com, it’s there if you look for it. Like many stories it weaves elements of biography with elements that are completely imagined, but you probably don’t need to know that. And it was written in late 2014 before the health thing came up, and the book came out mid-2015.

Upcoming in October 2016 – Head of Zeus publishers in London contacted us to ask if they could include Fulani’s first-ever published erotica, ‘The Phenomenology of the Whip’, in a new collection. Actually it looks like it will be in two separate collections, one themed collection of about 30 stories and the other a complete collection of 100 stories. The news blurb for it is on the Head of Zeus website. The story is exactly what it says in the title. And if you need to know what phenomenology is, Google will tell you it’s ‘

the science of phenomena as distinct from that of the nature of being’, and ‘
an approach that concentrates on the study of consciousness and the objects of direct experience


Fulani’s starting to write erotica again. If anything it’s darker and more offbeat than before, and grounded in issues ranging from modern philosophy to a sharp awareness of human mortality. It may not be the kind of stuff erotica publishers would want to publish. We’ll see in time. Maybe the next blog posts will include extracts.